Book your stand for the 2024 Bucks County Show and showcase your products and services.
The Show Office will work with you to ensure your stand is located in the most suitable position to ensure you maximise your exposure to the show visitors.
All stands which are not state sponsored or Nationalised firm will automatically compete for the competitions below.
Prize cards will be awarded to the first, second place winners in each class. Entry into the competition will be automatic and judging will commence promptly at 9.00am by which time exhibits must be completed. All exhibits must be open for trading at 8.00am.
Best Agricultural Stand

The Bucks County Show Perpetual Challenge Trophy (8) will be awarded to the winner.
The 2023 winners were
A T Oliver & Sons
Best Non Agricultural Stand

The Lord Carrington Challenge Trophy (17) will be awarded to the winner.
The 2023 winners were
Bucks County Beekeepers
Best Shopping Marquee Stand
The 2023 winners were
Tabitha May
Best Food Hall Stand
The 2023 winners were
The Farm Deli, Winslow
Agricultural Stands
Frontage around Main Ring & Corner Sites
£26 + VAT per metre frontage
All other Avenues and Walks
£24 + VAT per metre frontage
Non Agricultural Stands
Frontage around Main Ring & Corner Sites
£47 + VAT per metre frontage
All other Avenues and Walks
£40 + VAT per metre frontage
Shopping Marquee \ Food Hall
Shopping Marquee
£170 + VAT per 3 metre single stand
Food Hall
£190 + VAT per 3 metre single stand
Registered Charities
Bookings from registered Charities will be accepted. £33 + VAT per metre frontage
(Please note there are only a limited number of Charity sites available and sites will be allocated at the Association’s discretion. The Association may refuse any Charity whatsoever without reason).
General information for exhibitors at the Bucks County Show 2024
Contractors for Electricity & Water, Tentage & Furniture and Grass Cutting are available and should be contacted direct should you wish to make use of their services.
If electricity and/or water are required this MUST ALSO be notified on the application form and may affect the siting of the stand.
Application for space
Space will be offered to new Exhibitors who have already completed and returned their forms together with full remittance. This will be offered at the Association’s discretion as and when a suitable area becomes available.
No application will be accepted unless accompanied by the correct remittance. Post dated cheques will NOT be accepted.
Programme entries
All trade stand holders will be entitled to a free entry in the alphabetical section of the Show Programme giving the company name, address, telephone number and a brief description.
Regulations and Health & Safety
Please note that the Regulations and Health & Safety information must be read and adhered to by all entrants.